International Medical Corps

Foundation of International Medical Relief

world wide

Looking Back (and forward) with International Medical Corps

Each year International Medical Corp rushes to the front lines, committed to being first responders to the world's most crucial disasters.  With a focus on healthcare, nutrition, shelter and protective services they seek out humanitarian disasters and rush to the scene, dedicated to those affected and providing relief.

"The challenges of 2021 have underscored the importance of global health.  Together, we will continue doing our part to create a healthier, safer world." - IMC

As part of our Crafting Wellness initiative, MDF Instruments has partnered with IMC, donating more than 2,000 medical instruments over the past couple years.  We're honored to provide our stethoscopes, sphygmomanometers, reflex hammers and penlights to IMC first responders.

Here's what IMC and MDF have been up to in 2021, a year where we learned to appreciate health more than ever.

In 2022 International Medical Corps plans to continue their worldwide services, as well as expand their programs in the United States.  IMC states their initiative will be "strengthening existing healthcare systems by providing equipment, supplies, clinicians and training," with efforts focused on "services to marginalized groups and underserved communities ensuring adequate access to timely and critically needed health services."

Foundation of International Medical Relief

From the MDF Instruments family, we hope to continue our partnership with IMC and many more organizations, because we truly believe that together we can do more, and do what's right to increase wellness in the world.  If you would like to join International Medical Corps in their fight for humanitarian aid, please visit their website to learn about different ways you can get involved.



Alexis Hernandez

MDF Instruments had the honor of presenting a stethoscope to each medical student at the white coat ceremony for San Juan Bautista School of Medicine. With the partnership of the Dr. Garcia Rinaldi Foundation, our goal is to provide a free stethoscope to every graduating student in healthcare in Puerto Rico. At this white coat ceremony, we welcome Alexis Hernandez onto the next path in his journey to become a physician.

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THE Breast Cancer Foundation

All women are strong and powerful human beings, sickness is everywhere and can affect everyone. THE Breast Cancer Foundation, founded by Nilo G. Low and directed by Charlotte Martin, focuses on preserving the dignity of breast cancer patients and their loved ones by providing tangible, compassionate care. The care starts with their specialized unique "We Care Packages".

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Mayanza INC

The lack of vital resources can be a different story for everyone. For some people it may be air conditioning or a small fridge. For others it could mean no hot water, no washing machine, ranging all the way to no clean water, no access to affordable healthcare, and no roof over your head. One of the core goals at MDF is to contribute to providing healthcare efforts to every person who has limited resources.

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